Let's Take a Walk
Lately, my schedule has been hectic, but still I managed to grab a few moments for myself here and there. I find walking the most relaxing of all the activities. I can walk for hours and hours on end, a quality my boyfriend doesn't enjoy much, but puts up with. Thankfully, unlike my boyfriend (Oh, I'm so gonna get into trouble for this one) Vienna is probably the best companion for walks. There are so many beautiful places to visit and revisit. For me one such place is beautiful Stadtpark in the very heart of the city. It's an oasis of greenery and peace. An ideal place to take a walk, read a book, have a picnic, grab a cup of coffee or just relax. This time I enjoyed a peaceful walk while taking photos. I hope you'll enjoy them, and don't miss the opportunity to visit Stadtpark when you come to Vienna. You won't regret it.
Have a wonderful upcoming weekend!
Hajdemo u šetnju
U poslednje vreme sam bila baš zauzeta, ali sam tu i tamo ipak uspela da ugrabim par trenutaka za sebe. Za mene je šetnja jedna od najboljih aktivnosti za opuštanje. Mogu da šetam satima, moja karakteristika u kojoj moj dragi baš i ne uživa, ali je ipak toleriše. Srećom, za razliku od mog dragog (uvaliću se u nevolju zbog ovog) Beč je najbolji pratilac za šetnje. Postoji mnogo divnih mesta za videti, i mesta kojim se vradi vratiti. Za mene, jedno takvo mesto je prelepi Stadtpark u srcu grada. To je oaza mira i zelenila. Idealno mesto za šetnju, uživanje u knjizi, piknik, šoljicu kafe ili za opuštanje. Ovog puta sam uživala u šetnji i fotkanju. Nadam se da ćete uživati u slikama, i da nećete propustiti priliku da posetite Stadtpark kad budete u Beču. Nećete zažaliti.
That's a lovely place :)