Pure Joy at Pure Living Bakery

Lazy Sunday 

On a Sunday morning there's nothing better to do than go out and treat yourself with warm cup of coffee and wonderful cake, and even more so on a gloomy day. However, going to just a random cafe doesn't cut it for me. I love that great cup of coffee is matched with even better interior design of a cafe. This is precisely what Pure Living Bakery in the heart of Vienna's 7th district has to offer; beautiful, slightly shabby, cozy interior with a lot of detail and lovely colours that sooth the eye. This  American style bakery magically evokes Californian beach caffe feeling with its design and all American desserts. Pure Living Bakery offers a variety of cakes, oh so American waffles, delicious ice-cream and coffee to raise you to the stars. The moment you step through the door you're greeted by homy smells of sensational desserts and friendly staff. This is an ideal place for an alone moment, or a moment to share with friends. This is probably one of my favourite places in the city, but not only for what it offers, but because it always reminds me of my bestie who left Vienna a year ago and whom I miss so dearly. Every time I come here I'm reminded of all the moments we shared, in what was probably the most exciting time of my life. So go check Pure Living Bakery out and have your American Sunday! 

Have a great Monday, guys!

Lazy Sunday

Ne postoji ništa bolje u nedelju ujutru nego se počastiti s toplom šoljom kafe i divnim kolačem, a posebno po oblačnom danu. Ipak, meni nije dovoljno samo da odem u bilo koji kafe. Ja volim da moju šoljicu odlične kafe nadmaši još lepši enterijer kafea. Upravo ovo nudi Pure Living Bakery koja se nalazi u srcu bečkog 7. okruga; lep, pomalo pohaban, udoban enterijer sa puno detalja i divnim bojama koje gode oku. Ovaj kafić, u američkom stilu, magično evocira osećaj kao da ste negde na plaži u Kaliforniji svojim dizajnom i potpuno američkim dezertima. Pure Living Bakery nudi najrazličitije kolače, oh tako američke wafle, preukusan sladoled i kafu koja će vas vinuti do zvezda. Onog trenutla kad kročite unutra pozdravljeni ste divnim mirisima dezerta i prijateljski nastrojenim osobljem. Ovo je idealno mesto da ukradete trenutak za sebe, ili da ga podelite sa prijateljima. Mislim da je ovaj kafe jedan od mojih najomiljenijih u gradu, ali ne samo zbog onog što ima da ponudi. već zato što me uvek podseti na moju najbolju drugaricu koja je napustila Beč pre godinu dana i koja mi tako često nedostaje. Svaki put kad dođem ovde setim se svih trenutaka koje smo podelile zajedno tokom najuzbudljivijeg perioda u mom životu. Tako da, idite i posetite Pure Living Bakery i iskusite svoju američki nedelju!

Srećan početak nove nedelje!

Pure Living Bakery Website: http://www.purelivingbakery.com/
Photos by me :)

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